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Protomartyr music lyrics

Protomartyr lyrics
Detroit post-punk quartet Protomartyr formed in 2010, slowly bubbling up out of a few bands in a tightly knit music scene. Guitarist Greg Ahee, bassist Scott Davidson, and drummer Alex Leonard started the caustic punk band Butt Babies in 2008, playing mostly dive bars and basements and eventually getting together a practice space in a large industrial warehouse. Ahee was working at the time as a doorman at Detroit's Gem Theater and struck up a conversation with co-worker Joe Casey about music and local friends Tyvek. Casey had never been in a band, but had accompanied Tyvek on a few of their tours. The two decided to jam; the first nebulous lineup of Protomartyr included Casey on vocals, Ahee and Leonard on their respective instruments, and Tyvek songwriter Kevin Boyer on bass. Boyer, ofte...
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Protomartyr albums and songs lyrics

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Protomartyr - Formal growth in the desert lyrics Formal growth in the desert lyrics
Protomartyr - Ultimate success today lyrics Ultimate success today lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Protomartyr music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 22 songs of Protomartyr lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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