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Anti-Flag music lyrics

Anti-Flag lyrics
Anti-Flag is a punk rock band based in the United States, formed in 1988 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and known for its outspoken left-wing political views, focusing on anti-war activism, imperialism, class struggle, human rights, and other sociopolitical sentiments. Members include singer/guitarist Justin Sane, singer/bassist Chris Barker, guitarist Chris Head, and drummer Pat Thetic; Chris Barker (“Chris #2”) replaced original bassist Andy Flag in 1999. The band is known also for their advocacy of progressive political action groups such as Greenpeace and Amnesty International. Most recently, the band has focused criticism on the United States bailouts, which were executed to give massive portions of capital directly towards ...
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Anti-Flag albums and songs lyrics

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Anti-Flag - Lies they tell our children lyrics Lies they tell our children lyrics
Anti-Flag - 20/20 vision lyrics
20/20 vision lyrics 
20/20 vision at 20/20 vision at wikipedia 20/20 vision at spotify
20/20 vision lyrics
Anti-Flag - American fall lyrics
American fall lyrics 
American fall at American fall at wikipedia American fall at spotify
American fall lyrics
Anti-Flag - American spring lyrics
American spring lyrics 
American spring at wikipedia American spring at spotify
American spring lyrics
Anti-Flag - General strike lyrics
General strike lyrics 
General strike at wikipedia
General strike lyrics
Anti-Flag - For blood and empire lyrics For blood and empire lyrics
Anti-Flag - The terror state lyrics
The terror state lyrics 
The terror state at The terror state at wikipedia
The terror state lyrics
Anti-Flag - Die for the government lyrics Die for the government lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Anti-Flag music. Our databases have 8 albums and a total of 104 songs of Anti-Flag lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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