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Rotting Christ music lyrics

Rotting Christ lyrics
Rotting Christ is a melodic black metal band hailing from Athens, Attica, Greece. They were formed in 1987 with the original line-up Sakis (vocals, guitar), Jim (bass), Themis (drums) incorporating a roaring mixture of death metal and grind (a style that was at its height in the rest of the world at that time except, of course, Greece). Early on Rotting Christ produced two informal recordings (“Decline’s Return” and ‘Leprosy Of Death”) which basically consist of rehearsals and are not considered official by the band. In 1988 the band recorded their first split 7” EP with Yhorypansi (aka Sound Pollution) which includes nine of their songs. The style and lyrical content are typical of Grindcore (for example “Asthmatic Apopl...
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Rotting Christ albums and songs lyrics

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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Rotting Christ music. Our databases have 5 albums and a total of 52 songs of Rotting Christ lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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